Old school Swatch Watches

2. Abstraction. .`
used when the artist bec0mes so interested in one phase of a scene or a situati0n that he d0es n0t sh0w the subject. Abstract means "to m0ve away or separate".
A. Dist0rti0n- manifested wen da subject is in misshapen c0nditi0n,
ex. . M0ther and child by J0se p aleantara. .
B. El0ngati0n.
Ex. Resurrecti0n -el grec0
C. Mangling- which are cut, lacerated, mutilated or hacked with reapeted blows
D cubism .

mediums of painting
Painting>>> creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments. The materials of the painter are pigments applied to wet plaster,canvas, wood or paper.
OIL>>> pigments are mixed in oil. Pigments can c0me fr0m many sources: minerals,vegetable,matter,coal tars, and other chemical combinati0n.
Example. M0ther and child. Oil on canvas, maria makiling by carlos b0tong francisco, sari-sasi by n0rma belleza, red talisman by j0se j0ya
*two meth0ds of painting in oil.
> the direct
>inderect meth0d

TEMPERA>>> mixture of ground pigments and albuminous or colloidal vehicle, either egg, gum or glue
Example: "resurrecti0n with two angels" by bernardinao fungai , "majesty" by segna di b0naventura

WATERCOLOR>>> mixed with water and applied to fine white paper. Opaque waterc0los is called gouache. Made by grinding opaque c0lor with water an mixing the pr0duct.

PASTEL>>> Color possess only surfaces of light, gives no glazed effect, it is a very flexible medium.

FRESCO>>> Colors are mixed with water and applied to fresh plaster which abs0rbs the c0l0r.

ACRYLIC>>> newest medium and one that is used widely by painters t0day is acrylic. Synthetic paints using acrylic emulsion of water color and are flexible as oil.
Example: "sisa" by mario parial, "anting anting" by r0d0lfo paras-perez , blue odyssey by j0se j0ya.

SCULPUTE>> m0st imp0rtang thing to c0nsider is the material.
Two maj0r of sculpture pr0cesses: subtractive and additive
example: "stela of akhenaten", sculpture near the gate of the PUP main

St0ne and Bronze>>> c0mm0nly used f0r sculpture are st0ne and metal. Stone is durable,resistant to the elements, fire, and other hazards.
Examples: the pieta by michaelangelo, head of ptolemy VI -marble.

WOOD>>> wood is that it is cheap, readily available, and easy to cut, it als0 polishes well and has a sm0oth shiny surface and beautiful c0l0r.

Ivory>>> a large number of old iv0ry statitues have survived to the present time. Iv0ry, like terra cotta, is seldom used t0day.
Example: a c0mb

Terra c0tta>>> yeild to even the slightest pressure and can be worked and rew0rked until the artist has achieved what he wants to do.
Examples: red terra cotta figure of a standing male

12 hues c0lor.
YO, O, RO, R , RV, V, BV, B, BG, G, YG

primary- b, r, y
secondary- o, g, v,